Saturday, April 26, 2014


Resource Pool
Before starting few words to users
As everybody knows that the beauty and needs of VMware is for virtualization but it is not just virtualization and it is beyond that. We can’t say it is as just a engine doing the virtualization in fact it’s unlocked all the levels of uncertainties IT was undergoing. I would say it is an inference engine which can do certain tasks on the basis of evidence and reasoning, HA, SRS etc...
Before going down on this chapter. Let me tell you just making a physical machine to virtual machines by diving the physical resources logically, which is not VMware is looking for.
Here the  +mark called Over-virtualization but a system admin always has to understand the application and servers behavior while designing the virtual infrastructure. A good design make the life perfect all the resources in the eco system. Sounds good auh!!!.
Resource Pool is an awesome tool a system admin can use for the effective management of demand of a virtual machines. VMware engineers are recommending before designing the resource pool a system admin should understand the demand, pattern & trend of the computing resources it may request. Resource Pool is not for them who don’t know the requirement of the VM and its demand. It can act a performance killer as well if not designed in a proper way, (X). A good design and arrangement of VM in resource pool based on our priority and values helps over-virtualization easy.
As a VM Admin we should use many tools for monitoring and management of performance issues and other issues before end user facing that and the VMware inference engine can manage all these things automatically if we provisioned and configured such a way.

Symmetric multi-processing.
If a VM having more than one processor it is capable of symmetric multi-processing.

1 – Key Factor of Resource Pool
Resource Pool can configure in Host or Cluster Level , also the Resource Allocation can configure more deeply in VM level , going down we will speak about the reservation and one VM we need to make sure that 1 GB physical memory always reserved to it from the Resource Pool it has located . The beauty of the RP is VM will be under the same resource pool , instead of creating a nested resource pool for a single VM ,you can configure the resource allocation in VM – CPU & Memory Settings , so we can save one resource pool as the nested resource pool limit is 8 , instead we can change in VM –setting but it will only utilize the resource which is allocated to the resource Pool .I just given an idea here regarding the resource Pooling as it may confuse everybody ,  so concluding here as we can create resource pool and can do nested resource pool , if not required we can configure the  VM configuration .
But VMware is not recommending the resource constraints settings in VM level, they insist to set the resource constrains setting as `Resource Pool `  as it can ignore by HA admission process . The settings of resource pool is not evaluated while doing the HA admission in remote host or cluster , It will simply allow the admission where as if we the resource settings in VM level HA admission won’t ignore that it will push the destination cluster or host to evaluate the computing resources

3 – Key Factors of Resource Pool
Relative Priority of the Resource Pools in Siblings Level
Consider a big pizza and it has been cut in to different size of slices and a pool of consumers can buy , The bigger Slice – The Bigger Price .
The bigger Share  - More Priority considered to other resource to take the computing resources in SIBLING level .
Share value only checked If there is COMPUTE RESOURCE CONTENTION ARISE , then relative priority will be checked and allocate to VM . If all VM require only the normal resources which is already available and allocated , SHARE won’t comes in to picture , it will only come when CONTENSION OF Resource take place.
Shares are only applicable when the resources are exceeds the reservation boundary , then the relative priority of compute request from the Resource Pool will be verified and distributed as per the relative priory of the share value . Here is the efficiency of Resource Pool.
High demand of computing resource make scarcity of the computing resources but depends of the priority of the Resource Pool it is requesting , can control the scarcity of computing resources efficiently.       
                                                        Let’s assume all VM’s are spiking to 100 % then the contention of resource arise. Share will help to manage the contention of resources efficiently by proper planning .


Resource Pool
Systematic allocation and management of computing resources.
Example: If you need to allocate the computing resources of a cluster or esxi host to two departments, as each department have invested 70 % and 30 % of the computing resources procurement money. As a system admin you need to consolidate the resources and can divide the portion to them in a systematic way.  Resource Pool creation and effective management helps for that.

As I mentioned in top “Resource Pool “ can create in cluster level and host esxi level :- that is the real beauty of vcenter who is doing the server consolidation & it will take the charge of resource management in cluster level by l, For esxi host level we don’t require a vcenter server .

Again traversing to the `Resource Pool ` we can create Master and Slave resource Pool , as the Master Resouce Pool call it as rool resource pool , I will call it as aggregator as he will reserve the computing resources & can distribute the slave resources efficiently as required based on the SHARE value.
As I mentioned on the top, SHARE value is the relative

Let me tell you
ESXI Host – Resource Provider
VM – Resource Utilizer
Resource Pool – Both (all the reservation set in the resource pool are locked and considered as consumed)

Here are some Interview and Vcenter questions which already asked .


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